
Last Updated on: 19 Sep, 2023

The dashboard provides real-time and historical data for you to stay on top of your monetization strategies. The dashboard also offers in-depth filters to drill down key metrics.

Key Metrics

The key metrics reported in the dashboard are:

Attribute Description
Estimated Revenue This is the revenue calculated by Meson based on your open auction settings. The revenue is calculated based on fixed, predicted or real time bids, as configured per ad line.
eCPM This is the derived metric and is calculated as estimated revenue divided by the impressions based on the filters applied.
Impressions This is the number of times Meson reported an ad was shown to users across networks.
Fills This is the number of times Meson reported an open auction has a winning bid and ad that was ready to be shown users.
Ad Requests This is the number of times the app requested the Meson SDK to get an ad by conducting an open auction.
DAU Coming soon...
ARPDAU Coming soon...


You can filter the data by the following dimensions:

  • compliance
  • compliance
  • compliance
Attribute Description
Date The timeframe for which you are querying. Possible filters are Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 14 Days, Last 30 Days, This Month, Last Month, and custom date range till the beginning of last month.
App The apps are registered and monetized in the account.
Network The networks monetize the apps.
Format The formats used to monetize the apps.
Ad Unit The ad units are configured to monetize different real-estates in the apps.
Country The markets where the apps are monetized.

Reporting Timezone

All data is reported in UTC.

Reporting SLA

All data is reported in real-time.