Multivariate Testing

Last Updated on: 19 Sep, 2023

Multivariate testing is a randomized experimentation process, where we split users into more than 2 groups, and expose each group to different app configurations. If you have a hypothesis, which requires you to change multiple variables and measure the effect of each combination of variables, this is where you start.

You can use Multivariate testing to validate any hypothesis by adding ad units, segments (definition/behavior), add networks, bidding vs. waterfall, open auction optimizations, timeouts, etc...

To help you measure the effect of a change, we use Bayesian inference to state the probability of any one variant being the best overall. This way as an experiment generates more data, we will make a recommendation on the variant that is best overall and how likely is the variant to be best overall. This helps you take an informed and accurate decision quickly, without making the mistake of acting on early data.

We also help you understand how experiments are impacting other KPIs like retention rate and LTV as well as making experiments and variants available in Cohort Analysis.

Create an Experiment

To create an experiment first open the App Workspace. To open your App Workspace, click on All Apps, and then Select the App from the menu. Then go to Reports/Experiments, and click on Create Experiment. To create an A/B experiment, select Multi-variate.


Experiment Definition

To define an experiment:

  • Start with the hypothesis
  • Create randomized user groups with uniform probability (Uniform Choice) or weighted probability (Weighted Random)
  • Configure the control group, size of the user group, and the targeting group

The size of the user group defines what percentage of eligible users will be exposed to a particular treatment. Please note users who are mapped to a particular treatment once are always exposed to the same treatment until the experiment is Live.

The targeting group selected for the control is the current active targeting group to that all eligible users are exposed.


Variant Definition

To define a variant:

  • Configure the variant group, size of the user group, and the targeting group
  • Configures the variant targeting group, primarily networks, adlines, and open auctions.

For accurate evaluation we recommend, that variant adline credentials (adunit id, placement id, zone id, tag id, etc..) are set up afresh with the respective networks.

  • compliance
  • compliance
  • compliance
  • compliance

To add ad lines for nonexistent networks, first, go to Partner / Networks and enable the network. Create new ad lines for the variant by clicking on Configure for each variant.


Start Experiment

Experiments can be saved in the Draft state. To start an experiment click on Start Experiment.

  • An experiment cannot be started without a variant.
  • Once an experiment is started (Live), neither the size of user groups nor targeting groups can be changed.
  • It is recommended that networks, ad lines, and open auction settings not be changed after an experiment is started.
  • A Live experiment can be Paused (II) or Concluded.

Experiment Results

To view experiment results click on the results icon from Results/Experiments for the respective experiment.

  • compliance
  • compliance

The following are reported for each variant:

Metric Description
DAU Count of DAU that have been exposed to a treatment, either control or any variant.
Ad Requests Count of ad requests that have been exposed to a treatment, either control or any variant.
Impressions Count of impressions that have been shown to users exposed to a treatment, either control or any variant.
Revenue Total revenue reported for treatment, either control or any variant.
Fill rate Fill rate reported for treatment, either control or any variant.
eCPM eCPM reported for treatment, either control or any variant.
Credible Interval The range in which revenue/impression will fall with a probability of 0.95 for treatment, either control or any variant.
P(Beat All) The likelihood that a variant will beat all other variants

Conclude an Experiment

To conclude an experiment, select the variant that is delivering the best results either on the basis of the aggregate metrics or on the basis of the highest P(Beat All). Click on Scale Variant & Calculate.

  • compliance
  • compliance
  • compliance

Start a Follow-Up Experiment

To start a follow-up experiment from a concluded experiment, go to Reports / Experiments and click on the create icon. This will create a copy of the Concluded experiments in the Draft state. In the draft, state experiments can be edited.
