Network Guides

Last Updated on: 08 Jan, 2024

Please use the below tables to map network-specific identifiers to Meson.

  • The identifiers are mapped at three levels; Network, App, and Ad Line.
  • You also need to provide Meson with reporting API credentials for all networks where Meson supports a reporting integration.

To add and activate networks refer to creating networks.

SDK Partners

Name Bid Type Formats Supported Platforms Network Credential App Credential Ad Line Credential Setup Guide
Facebook Audience Network Real-time CPM Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity App ID, App Secret App ID Placement ID
Vungle Real-time CPM Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity - App ID Placement Reference ID
InMobi Audience Bidding Real-time CPM Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded, Native* iOS, Android, Unity** Account ID - Placement ID
Mintegral Real-time CPM Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity App Key App ID Unit ID
Unity Fixed CPM Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity - Game ID Placement ID
IronSource Fixed CPM Interstitial, Rewarded iOS, Unity - App Key Placement Name
Google Admob Fixed CPM Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded, Native iOS, Android, Unity** - App ID Ad Unit ID
Google Ad Manager Fixed CPM Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded, Native iOS, Android, Unity** - App ID Ad Unit ID
Applovin Fixed CPM Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity SDK Key - Zone ID
AdColony Advanced Bidding Real-time CPM Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity - App ID Zone ID
Amazon Publisher Services Fixed CPM Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded iOS, Android - - Slot UUID

S2S Partners

Name Bid Type Formats Supported Platforms Network Credential App Credential Ad Line Credential
AdColony Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity Publisher ID - -
Criteo Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC iOS, Android, Unity Network ID - -
EngageBDR Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC iOS, Android, Unity SSP ID - -
Index Exchange Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity Account ID App ID -
illumin (AcuityAds) Real-time Bid Banner, Rewarded, Native iOS, Android, Unity Publisher ID App ID Tag ID
InMobi Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded, Native iOS, Android, Unity** Account ID App ID Placement ID
Mars Media Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity End Point Bid ID - -
MobileFuse Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC iOS, Android, Unity Publisher ID - -
Pubmatic Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity Publisher ID Site ID Tag ID
PubNative Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC iOS, Android, Unity Account ID - -
PulsePoint Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC iOS, Android, Unity Publisher ID - -
Magnite Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity Publisher Account ID Site ID -
ScaleMonk Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC iOS, Android, Unity Account ID - -
Sonobi Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC iOS, Android, Unity Account ID - -
Xandr Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC iOS, Android, Unity Publisher ID - -
Luna Media Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity - - -
Unruly Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC iOS, Android, Unity - App ID -
TripleLift Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded, Native iOS, Android, Unity** Publisher ID - Placement ID
Yahoo Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, MREC, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity - App ID Placement ID Real-time Bid Banner, Native iOS, Android, Unity Publisher ID - Placement ID
VRTCAL Real-time Bid Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded iOS, Android, Unity - - -

Setup Audience Network

Create a Facebook Audience Network account

Create an account with Facebook Audience Network here.

Create Apps and Placements

Follow the steps here to set up apps and placements with Facebook Audience Network.

Activate Facebook Audience Network on Meson

To activate Facebook Audience Network on Meson, we need the following

ID Description
App ID This is the unique identifier of your app in the Facebook Audience Network platform.
Placement ID This is the unique identifier of your placement in the Facebook Audience Network platform.

Map the App ID

  1. In your Facebook Audience Network account, navigate to My Apps > Create App.

  2. Select data permissions and use cases. Click Next.

  3. Select an app type. Click Next.

  4. Next, give your app a name with the prefix "AN_SECURITY_APP. Click Create App.

  5. In the left menu, select Settings > Basic. Click Show next to the App Secret field. You may be prompted to re-enter your account password again for this. Note down or copy the App ID and App Secret.

  6. In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > Network Credentials, enter the App ID and App Secret. Click Save.

Map the Placement ID

In your Facebook Audience Network account, navigate to My Apps / App Dashboard / Audience Network / Monetization Manager, to get the Placement ID.

In your Meson account, navigate to Mediation > Ad Lines, and enter the Placement ID against an ad line created for Facebook Audience Network. Follow the steps here to create ad lines.

Add the Facebook Audience Network adapter to the build.

Follow the documentation for iOS and Android to add adapters.

You are all set!

Set up Vungle

Create a Vungle account

Create an account with Vungle here.

Create Apps and Placements

Follow the steps here to setup apps and placements with Vungle.

Activate Vungle on Meson

To activate Vungle on Meson, we need the following

ID Description
App ID This is the unique identifier of your App in Vungle platform.
Reference ID This is the unique identifier of your placement in Vungle platform.

Map the App ID

In your Vungle account, navigate to Applications, to get the App ID for the app.


In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > App Credentials, enter the App ID against the iOS and Android apps and activate Vungle to monetize these apps.


Map the Reference ID

In your Vungle account, navigate to Placements, to get the Reference ID.


In your Meson account, navigate to Mediation > Ad Lines, and enter the Reference ID against an ad line created for Vungle. Follow the steps here to create ad lines.


Add the Vungle adapter to the build.

Follow the documentation for iOS and Android to add adapters.

You are all set!

Set up InMobi

Create an InMobi account

Create an account with InMobi here.

Create Apps and Placements

Follow the steps here to set up apps and placements with InMobi.

Activate InMobi Audience Bidding on Meson

To activate InMobi on Meson, we need the following

ID Description
Account ID This is a unique identifier for your InMobi account. Meson uses this to import performance data from your InMobi account for reporting & optimization.
Placement ID This is the unique identifier of your placement in InMobi platform.
Username This is for activating Reporting API and generated in InMobi AdNetwork platform.
Client Secret (API Key) This is for activating Reporting API and generated in InMobi AdNetwork platform.

Map the Account ID

In your InMobi account, your account name is always visible on top of the left navigation. Click on the account name to get your Account ID.


In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > Network Credentials, and enter the Account ID in Network Credentials.


Activating Reporting API (Optional)

On the Account Settings page of InMobi SSP, click Generate API Key under the API Key tab and mention your email address.

You will receive the following key.txt file in your email where you can view the Username and Client Secret (API Key).

Map the App Key

In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > App Credentials, activate the apps you want against the iOS and Android apps, and activate InMobi to monetize these apps.


Map the Placement ID

In your InMobi account, navigate to Inventory > Inventory Settings, and select an app and a format to see the Placement IDs.


In your Meson account, navigate to Mediation > Ad Lines, and enter the Placement ID against an ad line created for InMobi. Follow the steps here to create ad lines.


Add the InMobi adapter to the build.

Follow the documentation for iOS and Android to add adapters.

You are all set!

Set up Mintegral

Create a Mintegral account

Create an account with Mintegral here.

Create Apps and Placements

Follow the steps here to set up apps and placements with Mintegral.

Activate Mintegral on Meson

To activate Mintegral on Meson, we need the following

ID Description
App Key This is a unique identifier for your Mintegral account. Meson uses this to import performance data from your Mintegral account for reporting & optimization.
App ID This is the unique identifier of your app in Mintegral platform.
Ad Unit ID This is the unique identifier of your placement in Mintegral platform.

Map the App Key

In your Mintegral account, navigate to App Setting, to get the App Key.


In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > Network Credentials, and enter the Publisher ID in Network Credentials.


Map the App ID

In your Mintegral account, navigate to App Setting, to get the App ID for the app.


In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > App Credentials, enter the App Key against the iOS and Android apps, and activate Mintegral to monetize these apps.


Map the Ad Unit ID

In your Mintegral account, navigate to Placements & Units, to get the Ad Unit ID.


In your Meson account, navigate to Mediation > Ad Lines, and enter the Ad Unit ID against an ad line created for Mintegral. Follow the steps here to create ad lines.


Add the Mintegral adapter to the build.

Follow the documentation for iOS and Android to add adapters.

You are all set!

Set up Unity Ads

Create a Unity Ads account

Create an account with Unity Ads here.

Create Projects, Ad Units and Placements

Follow the steps here to setup apps, ad units and placements with Unity Ads.

Activate Unity Ads on Meson

To activate Unity Ads on Meson, we need the following

ID Description
Organization ID This is a unique identifier for your Unity Ads account. Meson uses this to import performance data from your Unity Ads account for reporting & optimization.
API Key This is a access token for your Unity Ads account, Monetization Stats API. Meson uses this to import performance data from your Unity Ads account for reporting & optimization.
Game ID This is the unique identifier of your App in Unity Ads platform.
Placement ID This is the unique identifier of your placement in Unity Ads platform.

Map the Organization ID

In your Unity Ads account, navigate to Projects > Organization Settings, to get the Organization ID.


In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > Network Credentials, and enter the Organization ID in Network Credentials.


Map the API Key

In your Unity Ads account, navigate to Monetization > Setup > API Management, to get the API Key for Monetization Stats API Access.


In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > Network Credentials, enter the API Key in Network Credentials, and authorize access.


Map the Game ID

In your Unity Ads account, navigate to Monetization > Project Overview > Ad Units, to get the Game ID for iOS and Android apps.


In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > App Credentials, enter the Game ID against the iOS and Android apps, and activate Unity Ads to monetize these apps.

Map the Placement ID

In your Unity Ads account, navigate to Monetization > Project Overview > Placements, to get the Placement ID for iOS and Android ad units.


In your Meson account, navigate to Mediation > Ad Lines, and enter the Placement ID against an ad line created for Unity Ads. Follow the steps here to create ad lines.


Add the Unity Ads adapter to the build.

Follow the documentation for iOS and Android to add adapters.

You are all set!

Set up IronSource

Create an IronSource account

Create an account with IronSource here.

Create Apps and Placements

Follow the steps here to set up apps and placements with IronSource.

Activate IronSource on Meson

To activate IronSource on Meson, we need the following

ID Description
App Key This is the unique identifier of your App in IronSource platform.
Placement Name This is the unique identifier of your placement in IronSource platform.

Map the App Key

In your IronSource account, navigate to Monetize > Ad Units & Placements, to get the App Key for the app.


In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > App Credentials, enter the App Key against the iOS and Android apps, and activate IronSource to monetize these apps.


 Map the Placement Name

In your IronSource account, navigate to Monetize > Ad Units & Placements, to get the Placement Name.

In your Meson account, navigate to Mediation > Ad Lines, and enter the Placement Name against an ad line created for IronSource. Follow the steps here to create ad lines.


Add the IronSource adapter to the build.

Follow the documentation for iOS and Android to add adapters.

You are all set!

Set up AdMob

Create an AdMob account

Create an account with AdMob here.

Create Apps and Ad Units

Follow the steps here to setup apps and ad units with AdMob.

Activate AdMob on Meson

To activate AdMob on Meson, we need the following

ID Description
Client ID This is the unique identifier that specifies the relationship between your account and the ad unit.
Client Secret This is the unique identifier that specifies the relationship between your account and the ad unit.
Refresh Token The refresh token the client application already received.
App ID This is the unique identifier of your App in AdMob platform.
Ad Unit ID This is the unique identifier of your placement in AdMob platform.

Map the Client ID, Client Secret and Refresh Token

To get the Client ID and Client Secret, go to Google API Manager.

To get the Refresh Token, go to OAuth 2.0 Playground.

In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > Network Credentials, enter the API Key in Network Credentials, and authorize access.

Map the App ID

In your AdMob account, select your app and navigate to Apps > App settings to get the App ID for the app.

In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > App Credentials, enter the App ID against the iOS and Android apps, and activate AdMob to monetize these apps.

Map the Ad Unit ID

In your AdMob account, select your app and navigate to Apps > Ad units, to get the Ad Unit ID for iOS and Android ad units.

In your Meson account, navigate to Mediation > Ad Lines, and enter the Placement ID against an ad line created for AdMob. Follow the steps here to create ad lines.

Add the AdMob adapter to the build.

Follow the documentation for iOS and Android to add adapters.

You are all set!

Set up Google Ad Manager

Create a Google Ad Manager account

Create an account with Google Ad Manager here.

Create Apps and Ad Units

Follow the steps here to setup apps and ad units with Google Ad Manager.

Activate Google Ad Manager on Meson

To activate Google Ad Manager on Meson, we need the following

ID Description
Client ID This is the unique identifier that specifies the relationship between your account and the ad unit.
Client Secret This is the unique identifier that specifies the relationship between your account and the ad unit.
Refresh Token The refresh token the client application already received.
App ID This is the unique identifier of your App in Google Ad Manager platform.
Ad Unit ID This is the unique identifier of your placement in Google Ad Manager platform.

Map the Client ID, Client Secret and Refresh Token

To get the Client ID and Client Secret, go to Google API Manager.

To get the Refresh Token, go to OAuth 2.0 Playground.

In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > Network Credentials, enter the API Key in Network Credentials, and authorize access.


Map the App ID

In your Google Ad Manager account, select your app and navigate to Inventory > Apps, to get the App ID for the app.


In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > App Credentials, and enter the App ID against the iOS and Android apps and activate Google Ad Manager to monetize these apps.


Map the Ad Unit ID

In your Google Ad Manager account, select your app and navigate to Inventory > Ad Units, then select the ad unit and navigate to Tags and select tag type as Mobile Application Tag to get the Ad Unit ID for iOS and Android ad units.


In your Meson account, navigate to Mediation > Ad Lines, and enter the Placement ID against an ad line created for Google Ad Manager. Follow the steps here to create ad lines.


Add the Google Ad Manager adapter to the build.

Follow the documentation for iOS and Android to add adapters.

You are all set!

Set up Applovin Network

Create or login to your AppLovin Account 

  1. Create or login into your AppLovin account. Account creation details are here.
  2. When your account is verified, you can log in at their partner login here.

Create an App in AppLovin

Click here for details on how to create an app in AppLovin.

Retrieve the parameters from the AppLovin Dashboard

  • The Meson dashboard needs two parameters from your Applovin account.
  • Below are the details of the parameters required and where to obtain them:
AppLovin Parameter Description
SDK Key The unique identifier for your Applovin account. This is used by the Meson SDK to initialize the Applovin adapter in your apps
API (Report) Key A unique identifier that allows you to import data from your Applovin account to use for reporting and optimizations
Zone ID The unique identifier which identifies the placement

Obtain your AppLovin SDK/Application Key

To get the SDK Key and Report(API) key from your Applovin account:

  1. Log in to your Applovin Account
  2. Navigate to and click Account on the Applovin dashboard
  3. Click Keys.

Obtain the AppLovin Zone ID

  1. Navigate to and click Zones on the left sidebar menu.

Now you have retrieved all the required parameters, you can complete the configuration of Applovin in your Meson account.

Adding the parameters into the Meson dashboard

Follow these steps to add the Applovin parameters to the Meson dashboard:

  1. Sign in to your Meson account
  2. In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks.
  3. Authorize Reporting API Access to enter your API (Report) Key
  4. Enter your SDK Key and click save
  5. Click the second tab, 'App Credentials'
  6. Click Setup and activate your app by clicking save.

Add the AdColony adapter

Follow the documentation for iOS and Android to add the adapters.

Set up AdColony Network

Create an AdColony Advanced Bidding Network account

Create an account with AdColony here.

Create Apps and Placements

Follow the steps here to set up apps and placements with AdColony Advanced Bidding.

Activate AdColony Advanced Bidding on Meson

To activate AdColony Advanced Bidding Network on Meson, we need the following.

ID Description
App ID This is the unique identifier of your app in the AdColony Advanced Bidding platform.
Zone ID This is the unique identifier of your placement in the AdColony Advanced Bidding platform.

Map App ID

In your AdColony Advanced Bidding account, navigate to Apps to get the AdColony App UUID for the app.

In your Meson account, navigate to Set Up > Networks > AdColony Advanced Bidding and enter the App ID against the iOS and Android apps. Activate and Save the credentials.

Map Placement ID

In your AdColony Advanced Bidding Network account, navigate to Apps > Ad Zone, and Select the Ad Zone to get the ZoneID.

Select the app from the top left menu in your Meson account and navigate to Mediation > Ad Lines. Select the Format/Ad Unit Name, Format Type, and Ad Unit and enter the Placement ID against an ad line created for Facebook Audience Network. Follow the steps here to create ad lines.

Add the AdColony adapter

Follow the documentation for iOS and Android to add the adapters.

Set up Amazon Network

Onboard APS

Enable the Amazon Prime Services network from the Networks tab.

Upload Price Point File

  1. After you create a slot on the APS UI, navigate to Settings > Keywords Targeting page on the Meson UI and upload the price point file.
  2. Click Bulk Add Price Points, enter the Slot UUID provided in the APS portal, and click Proceed.
  3. Upload the Price Point file (from the APS portal) for the slot UUID. Ensure the uploaded file is in CSV format and contains two columns (price point and CPM).


In case the file has any error, it displays by not saving the association of UUID to the price point.

Create Ad Line

  1. Create an ad line for either banner, MREC, interstitial, or video.
  2. Enter the UUID in the ad line credential.
  3. Click Save to activate the ad line for delivery. Ensure a price point file is associated with the created slot; otherwise, the ad line will not start delivery.

Update Price Point File

You can return to the keywords targeting file and re-upload a new file to update the price points associated with any UUID at any time. Updating any association would automatically reflect across all ad lines with the same UUID.


For more information on Amazon SDK integration, see iOS or Android documentation.

Native format on InMobi Audience Bidding is only supported on iOS.

** Native ads are unsupported on Unity for any network.

If you want your network to be listed here, please mail us at