
Last Updated on: 19 Sep, 2023

Segments help you to group users based on demographics, context, custom parameters, and behavior. You can apply different monetization strategies to segments and provide users with customized ad experiences to maximize LTV. Custom parameters include segments and experiments that are based on user segmentation and experiments run outside of Meson. Behavior includes app events and ad events, which can be converted into user cohorts, like this one; Users who have seen > 20 impressions of rewarded ads in the last 7 days. These cohorts can be added to the segment definition.

Monetization strategies for a segment include customizing open auctions and controls for ad exposure like frequency capping, traffic exposure, rewards, timeouts, and other creative controls (coming soon).

Once you create a segment, you will have to target the segments using the targeting groups that are defined when you set up ad lines. Since users can belong to multiple segments, you can rank targeting groups in the open auction.

Create a Segment

To create a segment go to Audiences / Segments, and click on Create Segment.

Segment Definition

When you create a segment, you first define the conditions. To define conditions, start by creating a condition group. In a condition group, all conditions have to be met. When you add a second condition group, any one of the groups has to be met.

  • All conditions in a condition group have to be met, or the conditions are joined by the AND operator.
  • In the case of multiple condition groups, any one of the condition groups has to be met, or the condition groups are joined by the OR operator.
  • compliance
  • compliance
  • compliance

Segments with multiple condition groups are joined by an OR operator.

Segment Behavior

Once you group users, you can customize the ad experience to maximize engagement. In segment behavior, you have controls to manage ad exposure like traffic exposure, frequency capping, and timeouts, and manage incentives like rewards per format.

Please note that only if a user is mapped to a segment will these ad experiences be applied.

Traffic allocation controls the percentage of traffic enabled for ad-based monetization. If traffic allocation is set to 50%, the ad server will conduct an open auction only for 50% of ad requests.

Frequency capping controls the number of impressions allowed in a specified period of time for an individual user.

Rewards help you drive up ad engagement by managing the value exchange of rewarded ads.

Timeouts help you optimize ad experience, to optimize for networks/adlines with faster response times.

Segments can also have different price expectations. To achieve this create a targeting group with the segment selected, and set up networks, adlines, and tiers as you with revised expectations. Refer to Ad Lines and Open Auctions for more details.

Using Wildcards

The supported wildcards are * / [-] / ? / ,

Wildcards are supported for all free text fields.

With the exception of [-], all other wildcards can be used together.

  • Using * - For e.g.: All Samsung devices with marketing name starting with Galaxy, enter Galaxy*
  • Using [x-y] - For e.g.: All apps versions between 1.0.0 and 8.0.0, enter [1.0.0-8.0.0]
  • Using [x-] - For e.g.: All OS versions greater than and including 8.0, enter [8.0-]
  • Using [-y] - For e.g.: All OS versions up lesser than and including 8.0, enter [-8.0]
  • Using ? - For e.g.: All users aged between 40 and 49, enter 4?
  • Using , - For e.g.: A specific list of SDK versions, enter 1.*, 3.*, etc.

Supported Attributes

Attribute Type Operator Values
OS (or Platform) Device Equals iOS/Android
OS Version Device Equals Free text. Use wildcards.
Connection Device Equals Wifi/Cellular
Make Device in/not in Multi-select from the list
Model Device in/not in Multi-select from the list
Limit Ad Tracking Device Equals True/False
App Transparency Tracking Device Equals True/False
Gender Demographics Equals True/False
Age Demographics in/not in Free text. Use wildcards.
Custom Segments Custom in/not in Free text. Enter comma separate values. No wildcards accepted.
Custom Experiment Custom in/not in Free text. Enter comma separate values. No wildcards accepted.
App Names (Soon) Apps in/not in Multi-select from the list
App Version Apps in/not in Free text. Use wildcards.
SDK Version Apps in/not in Free text. Use wildcards.
Cohorts (Soon) Cohorts in/not in Multi-select from the list